- 10 Feb 2022
Do Marine Batteries go Bad if Not Used?
Deep cycle marine batteries, commonly known as lead-acid batteries, have heavier plates compared to other types of batteries. This provides continuous power generation for a prolonged period of time. Even though this type of battery is more efficient for recreational boat rides, it may go bad if not used, just like any other type of battery.
How Long Do Marine Batteries Last?
People expect to talk about battery lifespan in terms of years when they hear the term. But factors like temperature, usage, and environment make projecting service years hard. A boat battery has an average lifespan of 3-4 years, but it can survive up to 6 years in the correct conditions when maintained properly. To guarantee that it can last its whole lifespan, keep it attached to a maintenance charger and completely charged.
Can You Bring A Marine Battery Back To Life?
When most batteries run out of energy, they won’t be able to offer the amount of power that engines and vehicles require. For some, the most straightforward solution is to purchase a new battery. But you can try to revive a dead battery rather than buying a new one.
Follow these steps to bring back a marine battery to life:
1. Perform a thorough battery cleaning
2. Remove the battery’s cell covers
3. Water filling the battery cells
4. Use a battery rejuvenator to rejuvenate the battery
5. Check the battery’s voltage
Can A Dead Marine Battery Be Recharged?
If the battery has been completely depleted, the safest way to do this is to try to charge it up with a battery charger. But a charger will not charge a battery that has been drained below the charger’s minimal operating voltage. And this is why it’s important to check the voltage of a battery before charging it. You can tell if the charger could transmit any or enough power to the battery by measuring the voltage before and after charging.
However, it is not always recommended to recharge your battery yourself, as figuring out the right voltage can be tricky. It is a good practice to hire professionals to get your battery tested and recharged. You can get your battery tested for free at SW Batteries in Narellan, which will help you understand the condition of your battery health.